Friday, June 25, 2010

Charmin's last day of the Quest for the Oprah Audition

Well, tommorrow is the big day and I'm ready. I have spent most of the week coaching clients and staying centered. Today is a year ago that Michael Jackson died and I remember were I was as most of us do. I was with Merrell when we heard the news and we working on our idea for a reality show that would help people overcome life's challenges through coaching and we were going to try and pitch it to Oprah's network. Here it is one year to the day and we are doing exactly what we planned to do one year ago. All the work we did together brainstorming and preparing was not in vain. It is a miracle that June 25th 2009 we were working on the project and June 25th 2010 we are executing it. Every one please send me love and light. I was born for this and I am going to stay true to who I am and do my best!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

6 days left to Charmin's Quest for the Oprah Audition

Well the last 4 days in West Palm Beach FL was a God send! I needed the light, energy, comfort, support and love that I received from Blake and Emily. I won't make you jealous with all the details but I can tell you that I ate Maine lobster twice! It is a blessing to meet people along life's journey who come along side you and not only believe in your vision but help you fuel it. Since I started this quest, I have received some direct demonstrations from the universe that I am walking in the right direction. First of all 4 Sundays ago, my 8 year old nephew Caleb was a winner in his elementary school chorus production. The winners were asked to sing at Spelman College(My daughter attends this school) and after the performance they were all to receive a prize. Well what do you think the surprise was? You guessed it! Oprah flew in to watch them and she sat with each child privately for 5 minutes each. Caleb sprang into action and told Oprah that his aunt Charmin was her baby sister and that she needed to vote for me. After a few minutes of insisting, she finally relented and promised him that she would watch my video and vote for me! Two weeks later I was in the AT&T store and the gentleman looked at my driver's license and said to me Oh My God you look like Oprah in this picture! "Are you trying for the show?" I said as a matter of fact I am. He said "well she stays in a house in Douglasville next door to my best friend when she is in town." "I have seen her myself," he said. My final demonstration was on the plane this past Tuesday when I sat next to Jim. He was very friendly and happy and was living his passion of traveling around the country buying classic cars, restoring them and then selling them. He encouraged me to face my fears and live my dreams. I told him that I was auditioning for Oprah's network. He told me that he was interviewed by her in Chicago in the early 80's when she was still an anchor woman and thought I would make a great talk show host. In all my years I have never met anyone that actually met her and in the matter of 6 weeks I have met three people. to be cont'd.

To vote for me please click on link. Charmin's Audition: "Holding on to what you know to be." People You Admire - OWN TV

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 12,13,14 Charmin's Quest for the Oprah Audition

It was definitely a hot weekend. We had a heat index of 100 degrees. I relaxed and hung out with my handsome 15 yr. old Zak and his cousin Johnathon. We went and saw "Karate Kid" it was awesome! That was the highlight of my weekend. Otherwise I spent moments on and off fighting the voices in my head telling me "you will never make it", " go get a day job", "you're a nurse you can work anywhere", "Global Coaching Solution will never take off", "The Oprah Audition is a long shot". Needless to say these negative voices just about sapped all the motivation and energy right out of me. I found myself reaching for my life line-- my sister and coach Adrine who quickly talked me off the ledge. She is a gift from God and my light in a dark, dark tunnel. She came along side of me 4 years ago when I told her the vision God gave me regarding life coaching. I only had bits and pieces then but she would stay up with me into the wee hours of the morning as we painstakenly worked on my website I owe her a debt of gratitude for believing in the vision and walking it out with me. Today she is just as unwaivering in her support of me as ever and that's why when I need to remember who I am, when the road seems all uphill and when I feel that I'm not going to make it, I call someone who believes in me. I suggest that anyone who feels called to do something great have an "Adrine". It will help to keep you going. I also suggest affirmations and music. I do affirmations by Florence Scoval-Shinn because they work for me but use what works for you just use something! to be cont'd

To vote for me please click on link. Charmin's Audition: "Holding on to what you know to be." People You Admire - OWN TV

The Oprah Team

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 11 Charmin's Quest for the Oprah Audition

Well it's day 11 and we're going into a hot weekend. We only have 2 Saturdays left then I still have to try and be one of the first 500 people in line. I thought it was interesting that of the 4 cities OWN TV network chose to do live auditions, Roswell Ga was one of them. I live 20 minutes away and my friend Merrell lives in Roswell. That is not the real miracle though, you see when I was 12 years old I was living in Washington D.C and I loved to read the Essence Magazine. It was so exciting to see all the progressive black women portrayed in Atlanta Ga. At that very moment, I ran into my moms' room and professed "Mom I am going to be a successful black woman in Atlanta Ga". From then on, my mother always paid for me to have a subscription for many years after. My parents and I moved all over the country, 33 times to be exact and I knew that I would move to Atlanta one day and make my own way, my own home and my own family and I would be a success! I never deviated from that vision so wherever I was living, I deliberately did not put down roots because I was Atlanta-bound! That vision that I had at 12 years old was a direct hit from God! He lead me here to Atlanta. I lived out of my car until I found a place to live, he sent angels to care for me during that time, I met my husband John Moore (one of the angels)and started my family here. As I have said before, everything is falling into place from the age of 12 to this very day. To be cont'd.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 10 Charmin's Quest for the Oprah Audition

Many things have fallen into place for me since I started on my journey to full time coaching, training and authoring. Some things were not pleasant but actually resulted in a positive outcome. For example, my parents are my favorite people and they built their dream home in 2004 while they were both still working. Due to illness, they both ended up retired within a year of each other and could no longer afford to keep everything afloat. Their social security was not enough to sustain them so I helped them for a year but they were getting further and further behind. We eventually made the difficult decision to let the house go and have them move to GA with me. They moved here in January and it has been wonderful. Yes, it was hard for mom to lose her home but she now has peace of mind from the creditors and the stress. We all plant flowers and vegetables together and we drink protein shakes in the morning while sitting on the deck. The most powerful thing about this is that I have always dreamed and prayed about retiring my parents so that they would never have to struggle in their old age. You never know how your blessings are going to come packaged. Now that we are all together, I am caring for them and they are caring for me. It may not be quite as I had envisioned it but I have a feeling it's about to get a whole lot better. My parents and I are now in a perfect position for me to succeed and look after them at the same time. To be cont'd

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 9 Charmin's Quest for the Oprah Audition

At first I was in a quandary regarding auditioning for Oprah’s OWN TV show. Part of me felt like it would conflict with Global Coaching Solution (GCS), my Life Coach Training company that I co-founded with Darlene. Darlene coached me around my conflict, after all, she was the one who suggested I go for it in the first place! She was instrumental in encouraging me that one opportunity would ultimately benefit the other. They actually work together. This would give GCS greater visibility to train more prospective coaches but also provide them work around the globe through that visibility. I would be able to refer my graduates to people searching for good Life Coaches because I have trained some of the most gifted people on the planet who have so much talent to help the hurting people that need them! I want so much for them to be able to use their gifts as I am able to use mine. Funny, this has been my vision for over 3 years and now the way is being paved for me to truly make it happen. I have seen miracle after miracle since I started this quest and I can’t wait to tell you more…

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