Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 8 My Quest for the Oprah audition

A year ago I met a friend who immediately felt I reminded her of her of Oprah. She had been in the TV business for awhile and wanted us to sit down and brainstorm about some ideas for a reality TV show. We spent many days brainstorming our ideas and now, reflecting back, I can see clearly how those times working together has lead me to where I am today. I am a firm believer of "ordered steps" and I know my steps are ordered and that every person who crosses my path whether I perceive the meeting to be good or not, ultimately is a part of a divine plan. I began to meet more people who wanted to talk to me about TV and questioned if I had ever considered it. As a Life Coach Trainer I feel like I am on stage all the time and I feel very comfortable in that role. Little did I know that when I was approached by my mentor years ago to become a trainer that it would be such a divine fit for me. I actually turned her down at first stating that I did not feel I was qualified to do it but she encouraged me to try. Isn't funny that sometimes other people can see seeds of greatness in you that you cannot see in yourself? My mentor told me that she felt that I had the gifting of Oprah and not to forget her when I get to the top! I won't forget Fern Gorin.

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